“How Data Science, Learning Health Systems, and Precision Health Can Enhance Clinical Practice”
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This webinar is led by Gretchen Piatt, Associate Professor, LHS, and Rachel Richesson, Professor, LHS, and moderated by Vicki Ellingrod, John Gideon Searle Professor and Associate Dean for Research, Pharmacy. It is the first installment in the U-M Precision Health series Demystifying the Data, Processes, and Tools that Are Changing Clinical Care, which seeks to make the connection between research, data, and clinical care.
This webinar discusses the role of learning health systems in healthcare and precision health (PH), and the potential role of data science in clinical practice and research within different aspects of the learning cycle. It touches on the opportunities and limitations of current data infrastructure (including EHR data) for precision health, and implications of using EHR to support practice change, including clinical decision support.
This is an opportunity for clinicians, students in health sciences, researchers, and those who support faculty and students with related services to understand the role of data governance and (clinically oriented) learning communities in data quality and PH research.