Precision Health authors weigh the potential of health care-specific foundation models

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Precision Health authors weigh the potential of health care-specific foundation models

Precision Health Co-Directors Jenna Wiens & Brahmajee Nallamothu, & Professor Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan College of Engineering have authored a piece out today in ‘First Opinion’ from STAT News:

“To make the most of the data we have, we need approaches to facilitate data sharing. When it is not possible to share data, methods like federated learning, in which data are not directly shared but used to update models in a decentralized fashion, are a promising substitute.” state the authors.

Weighing the potential of health care-specific foundation models, they go on, “While significant challenges exist, there is additional value in moving toward a shared foundation model in health care. If done right, the problem of regulatory oversight could become easier when thousands of models all depend on a shared foundation. The foundation itself creates a target for regulation and mitigation efforts.”

Read the full piece here: