2019 Symposium Highlights (slideshow)

Feature Stories

2019 Symposium Highlights (slideshow)

Precision Health’s inaugural symposium on May 29 drew more than 100 attendees from across campus. Featured guest speakers, a panel discussion, a competitive poster session, lunch, and a Three Minute Thesis competition were among the activities that made the day a success.


Most Interdisciplinary (Investigators) Poster:
1st place: Scott Peltier and Ben Hampstead
2nd place: Stephanie Bielas and Stephen Parker

Most Potential To Be Transformative (Investigators) Poster:
1st place: Sriram Chandrasekaran and Awanti Sambarey
2nd place: Scott Peltier and Ben Hampstead

Most Potential To Be Transformative (Scholars) Poster:
1st place: Abhinav Achreja
2nd place: Aaron Morris

Three-Minute Thesis Competition (Scholars):
1st place: Aaron Morris
2nd place: Abhinav Achreja
People’s Choice: Abhinav Achreja